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Walking With Jesus
 Study Further

Internet Resources ...

Biblical Research Institute

Prophecy, archeology, and other Bible study topics that go beneath the surface.

Fundamental Beliefs

Overview of the 28 fundamental beliefs held by Seventh-day Adventists.

Historicism.org is for the serious Bible student. However, if you're really interested in the prophecies of Daniel, Revelation, and other books of Bible prophecy and history, you might want to check it out.

Things You Can Get ...

If you would like to buy a copy of the Navajo New Testament or Navajo Bible (2000 edition), go online to www.amazon.com. They have a variety of bindings.

If you'd like to study the Bible, but don't quite know where to begin - relax! A lot of people feel the same way. For an introduction to what the Bible does and does not teach about topics you might have wondered about but didn't understand, call 1-800-HIS-WORD and request the "Discover" Bible study guides. There's no cost for this service. Just call and say you'd like to receive them. That's it.

Navajo Only ...

Nice Use of Words

Unusual Verses


Benito Juarez Quote

Benito Juarez, a five-term president of Mexico (1858–1861 as interim, then 1861–1872) and himself a Zapateco Indian, once remarked that "They [the Indigenous people of Mexico] need a religion which impels them to read." I want Seventh-day Adventism to be such a religion.

We must read Scripture above all, but there is room for supporting materials as well, especially in a bilingual environment where literacy is low but Native language retention is high.